The Brinson Exploration Hub is designed to provide opportunities to synergize the knowledge and innovation of the Caltech/JPL community with new approaches to exploration. It leverages philanthropic and commercial partners to accelerate impactful science. These partnerships extend to individual projects as well as strategic alliances, among other types of sponsorship or contributions. Partnerships with industry may consist of access to autonomous vehicles, platforms to host payloads, routine access to space, or turn-key services such as integration and test, communications, data acquisition, and operations. Partnerships with other academic or research organizations may entail joint science data processing or take advantage of other facilities.
Partnership Engagement
The reach of the Brinson Hub's partnerships portfolio will grow through regular interaction with a number of organizations and connection to new and future projects entering the Brinson Hub. General partnership agreements may be maintained or even be elevated above the specific project they initially supported. Some partners may be involved in multiple Brinson Hub projects, and therefore take on more of a strategic nature with the partner having a vested interest in the overall success of the Brinson Hub. Other partnerships may be through general funds, Brinson Hub enhancement, or specific projects. An advocate of a project (scientist/investigator) may initiate a conversation with potential partners, however, they will not be required to have these relationships a priori.
Partnership Types
The Brinson Hub seeks partnerships in a number of areas that could include: funding, facilities, services, hardware, software, talent, etc.